Saturday, May 1, 2010

What did I forget?

Did you forget to read my Blog? I think you did. Did you forget to check out the ads? I think you did. Did you forget to take your medicine? Apparently as we get older, we forget to do all kinds of things. I was just kidding about the Blog and the ads, but forgetting your medicine, if you take any, is obviously not a good thing. I take medicine every day and I use an organizer to make sure I take the right ones at the right time. I have one brother who takes a truck load of medicine every day. He doesn't use an organizer, but somehow he remembers how many, which ones and when to take them all. That's amazing to me.

I have written before that I get a daily email from "Real Age". They provide a lot of useful information. Friday's email gives some tips on how to remember to take your medicine. I suppose it would work for other things that you do or forget to do regularly. Here's the link to the page where you can find the tips that help you remember things. It's a little "quirky" and I don't know how it works, but it's worth a try.

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