Thursday, April 15, 2010

Taxes and Census

It's tax day. The IRS has admitted to being confused and making mistakes with tax returns this year. So I have decided to give them a little more time to figure things out. I filed for an extension. I have actually finished my taxes, but they haven't figured out what they owe me from last year. They need help.

I read where SC was one of the leaders in the percentage of people who had returned the 2010 census forms. I waited patiently for my form to come in the mail. On census day I had not yet received a form. I started trying to find out why. I found out that the Census Bureau doesn't send forms to P.O. Boxes. So with a little more research I found that forms could be obtained at the local library. Now I've been counted. I don't know how many people would go to much trouble to fill out a census form. I've learned the value of the census other than being sure your state gets its share of federal funds. A few years ago, I began to research my family's history. I found that one of the major sources of information for doing research is the US Census. So when my family's descendants research this year's census, they will find that I was living in a P.O. Box in Myrtle Beach, SC.

I do not have any food experiments today, but I can verify the value of my previous post about allowing food to "rest". The corned beef I cooked a few days ago was ok when I cooked it, but now it's delicious.

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