Friday, April 23, 2010

We Are What We Eat

I've read a lot of articles about the foods we eat. I get a daily email from "Real Age", which has an overwhelming amount of information about the foods we should eat. Overwhelming is the key word. As a result, I'm also confused about what is healthy eating. I received an email from a friend of mine who wanted to make a point. She invoked her status as a medical professional and told me that my "food experiments" are, this is my word, "crap". She's right. She asked me if I had read a book by Michael Pollan and I haven't. But I have now looked it up on the Internet and at least have the gist of it. In his book, "Food Rules" (not to be read as yeh man, food rules, dude), he lists 64 rules about the kinds of foods we should eat. There is a short article here that tells you about 7 of them. I don't want to over simplify or misstate what Mr. Pollan has written, but he seems to be saying that you can eat almost anything as long as you eat it before it gets to the processors. My friend seemed to be particularly offended by the Ramen noodles that I put in some of my "food experiments". I don't know how they are made or what is in them, but I am pretty sure that if you buried them and they were dug up in a million years, you could still eat them. I think that breaks one of the food rules, "if it won't rot, don't eat it". That reminds me of the comment that I made about letting food "rest". My friend said, and again this is my interpretation of her words, "if it's already rotted, don't eat it".

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